
Editing v/s Proofreading

What is the Difference b/w Editing and Proofreading (With Examples) | Editing v/s Proofreading Don't you think how the wizkid and the group manage to submit flawless work each time and you can't even though you follow the same set of rules. Maybe you don't brainstorm, research, and writing. Till this point, both of you were on the same track but in the next step the road. I've urged and the wizkid took the one less traveled and it made all the difference. while the wrong selection made it a failed task for you. Many of us take editing and proofreading as synonymous tasks and thus ruin up the complete game, no matter how well you write. Still, confused between the two terms editing and proofreading? Editing is not just correcting mistakes. It is making sure that your paper has no errors left from your end and proofreading is all about cross-checking your work for grammatical and logical errors.  Editing is the first task you need to undertake once you are done with the ...

Men Vs Women

Men Vs Women 12 Main Differences Between Men and Women Twelve main differences between men and women, men are from mars, women are from venus whether you agree with this statement or not there are some science back differences between males and females that are too hard to deny. Twelve: men and women get dressed in a different sequence very few people have probably noticed this but most women get dressed from top to bottom first putting on a blouse or shirt and then their pants or a skirt, Men however usually go the other way first socks and jeans then they put on their shirt. Eleven: women are less inclined to take risks women have always been thought of as the caregivers of society that's why they have a tendency to be more worried about others, A lot of men however are more willing to throw caution to the wind while both genders have been known to shout Yolo before doing something crazy or risky it's statistically the fellows who do it more often an article published in th...


  DOGS vs CATS - Who Wins Using Scientific Research? Welcome to this new animal wised video today we're putting the best and worst qualities of both dogs and cats against each other. When dealing with different species it is very difficult to determine scientifically which of these two animals is more intelligent. A study published in the New Scientist reveals that cognitive abilities are higher in the case of dogs. This is supported by a collaborative study by various universities which have to find dogs to have twice as many neurons in the cerebral cortex as cats. This indicates dogs pit cats to the posts in terms of intelligence. if we analyze behavior patterns in both dogs and cats we can see that felines devote about half their lives to rest and grooming they can spend up to four hours a day taking care of their appearance significantly longer than dogs, cats don't generally need to bathe as they are self-cleaning, while dogs need regular baths especially after walking in ...

Improve Your Writing

Improve Your Writing - 6 ways to compare   Hello. welcome to compare things blog, I am going to teach you some keywords you can use when you talk about how things are the same or similar. So when you compare two things -- when you're comparing apples and oranges, there are some similarities. They're both fruits. When you're comparing shopping to skiing, when you're comparing a city to a country or the countryside -- there is a certain language we like to use when we're saying how these things are similar or the same. In this blog, I'm going to teach you a bunch of expressions you can use when comparing two things to show their similarities. So this blog is called "Talking about similarities" So for this blog, I decided I wanted to do a theme. I wanted to look at how Canada and England are similar. In what ways are they very much alike?  So each of my sentences going to have to do with Canada and England, and we're going to look at how they're ...

Compare One Product Store VS General Store

One Product Store vs General Store: Introduction: what is going on guys welcome back to another blog here and today we're gonna be talking about which store is the best type of store to start now. one of the biggest questions I've been getting asked lately is sorry what do you think about one product stores already our general source dead what type of store should I start and that's exactly what gave me the inspiration to create this blog now today we're gonna be covering a bunch of different stores examples that I found for you we're gonna be looking at the traffic of these stores and we're gonna be really diving deep into which type of store you should pick and why so this is gonna be a really fun and insightful blog for you.    you don't skip around because it's really important for you to actually read the whole blog so you hear all the things that I have to say because I have a lot to say okay but anyways guys what is the best way to start a story ...