Compare One Product Store VS General Store

One Product Store vs General Store:

what is going on guys welcome back to another blog here and today we're gonna be talking about which store is the best type of store to start now. one of the biggest questions I've been getting asked lately is sorry what do you think about one product stores already our general source dead what type of store should I start and that's exactly what gave me the inspiration to create this blog now today we're gonna be covering a bunch of different stores examples that I found for you we're gonna be looking at the traffic of these stores and we're gonna be really diving deep into which type of store you should pick and why so this is gonna be a really fun and insightful blog for you.  

you don't skip around because it's really important for you to actually read the whole blog so you hear all the things that I have to say because I have a lot to say okay but anyways guys what is the best way to start a story that's the question at hand right now and here are basically the four most popular store types that I've seen created in the past few years the first one is of course General Stores everybody talks about General Stores that's basically a store where you just have any sort of product.

One Type of Product Store:

Amazon basically of drop shipping now the next one is niche stores think of you know big brands or just specific stores that only cover one type of product like you know Kylie cosmetics. For example, they only do makeup related stuff print-on-demand stores you already know how to print on demand store t-shirts like print on demand stuff really really cool type of store a little bit higher barrier to entry because you need really cool designs but still really awesome and then, of course, one product stores are basically a store where you're it's all about one product you know you're gonna name your store basically according to that product as well and you're just going to go on this one product.

General Stores:

Now one product source has been a lot more popular lately and that's what people have been asking me the most are what do I think about one product stores but I still wanted to just talk about all these types of stores and not just single out one product source in particular now before I show you all these stores that I found and all these different things. I just really want to make a point that the harsh truth about all these store methods is that there really is no best way now I do have a personal opinion on how I like to start my stores and how I teach my students to start their stores but that being said all of these ways work in fact there's people making money in every single one of these store categories so it's just really important for you to understand that so that you stick to whatever it is that you're doing and not bouncing around from store type to store type it's really important for you to really focus down succeed at something master it and then start diving into other things in diversifying so what I personally recommend guys as a niche store with an emphasis on one product at a time and the reason why is because of versatility in my opinion guys versatility is what equals longevity when you're only focusing on one product alone you may have longevity if you're able to really stand out in the market of course and just continue to pump out new ad creatives and shift around.

when the market shifts around but of course as you guys know the markets change very quickly things happen that you don't expect and in the internet world is moving very very quickly at all times so it's really important to be able to shift around if you've ever seen the documentary by sub Steve Madden if you don't know what Steve Madden is they're basically a huge billion dollar shoe company they literally have a shoemaking factory within their office it's very small and they're able to just pump out new designs into their Soho store which is in New York where they get a lot of traffic.

Basically, like actual people going to it and then pump out new shoes on there all the time and see how people react to them, and as soon as they find one that's really working they push it out massively to all their stores and that's what I mean by versatility you want to be able to really shift with the market and that's how you're gonna really last for years and years and years because you can always keep things fresh so let's just look at some store examples right now the first store that I wanted to show you it is inspired uplift most of you guys probably know about this store this is basically a general store and they started dropshipping about five years ago or so they've been around for a long time don't quote me on that I just know that they've been around for a very long time and they used to dropship.

Now, of course, it seems like they have a lot of inventory in a warehouse or fulfillment center in the US so they're able to really treat their customers and you know to get really good reviews and just a massive following as you can see guys they're getting about 2.3 million visitors every single month now this is an estimate but similar web this is a chrome extension by the way and it's 100% free so make sure you check it out it's honestly really cool but to two point three million visitors a month what that tells you is this store is definitely making over seven figures a month guys.

Natsu gas general store is a general store so a lot of people say general stores are dead. You shouldn't have a general store Natsu gas general store still worked significantly well and now here's another general store this is daily stealing and as you can see they're also kind of branded there general store they literally sell all types of products but they're doing it very very well they're not drop-shipping either I'm sure all these stores started by drop shipping.


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