Compare One Product Store VS General Store
One Product Store vs General Store: Introduction: what is going on guys welcome back to another blog here and today we're gonna be talking about which store is the best type of store to start now. one of the biggest questions I've been getting asked lately is sorry what do you think about one product stores already our general source dead what type of store should I start and that's exactly what gave me the inspiration to create this blog now today we're gonna be covering a bunch of different stores examples that I found for you we're gonna be looking at the traffic of these stores and we're gonna be really diving deep into which type of store you should pick and why so this is gonna be a really fun and insightful blog for you. you don't skip around because it's really important for you to actually read the whole blog so you hear all the things that I have to say because I have a lot to say okay but anyways guys what is the best way to start a story ...